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Laura Goh

Undergraduate Fellow

“I think if I were to describe my team as an item, it would be the cage prototype that we built. Not the prototype we envisioned, the one that we actually built. There wasn't enough mesh on it and the wires are kind of haphazardly added on.”

Laura demonstrated the easy-removal of the top of the PVC frame, an aspect of the mesocosm prototype that she designed and was proud of. The mesocosm construction process has come with many brainstorming sessions, drawings, and a trip to a plumbing supply store at which the team was questioned if they were ‘the next generation of plumbers.’

“The cage prototype is something that we all built together. It's made up of various ideas and modifications of ideas that each person had. We don't really have everything together but we're still fitting. The cage is standing and I think it looks pretty good. I think it can only get better from here.”

Laura worked with Rachel Penczykowski's Plant Disease team during summer 2019. Learn more about their host-pathogen coevolution research here.