Tyson Research Center is located at the Beaumont-Antire Road exit (#269) on Interstate 44.
If you are coming westbound, this is one exit after the intersection with Highway 141 in Valley Park. At the end of the exit ramp there is a stop sign. Go straight forward and then make a right onto Tyson Valley Road.
If you are coming eastbound, this is one exit after Lewis Road. After exiting the highway you will loop around and need to cross back over the highway. Once you are on the north side, make a left and then a right onto Tyson Valley Road.
Please note: Tyson is a gated facility with restricted access. Entry is with prior permission only.
When you arrive at the Tyson entrance, you will need to stop at the gate and contact Tyson Headquarters using the tan call box (instructions are posted). Once the gate has opened, follow the blacktop road all the way down into the Tyson main valley (1.5 miles) and then turn right at the Tyson Headquarters sign (just past the solar panel array).
Postal Mailing address
Tyson Research Center
6750 Tyson Valley Road
Eureka, MO 63025-1669
Campus Mailing Address
Washington University
MSC 1165-0211-02
(314) 935-8430
(314) 935-8433
Tyson staff contacts