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Bernie Bergman

High School Apprentice

You are a researcher. How does it feel to have that title this summer?

“I don't know if I even knew that I had that title to be honest. I really like it because our team, Plant Disease, is very new and still in the process of designing and making some decisions. It's nice because it seems like everyone works so much more together. Even though I'm a high schooler, I feel like I can contribute ideas. I've never been in an environment where an adult is like, ‘That's not a bad idea. Let's try it.’”

What has been something that has surprised you since being here?

“I basically crossed research science off my list because I hated staying in the lab all day. My mom and dad are both research scientists and they stay in underground labs all day, which I think is the most boring thing in the world. They stare at microscopes all day long. I don't mind that, but I couldn't do it forever.”

“But this experience has made me think maybe it's still an option, just because you still get to do a lot of hands-on things. You don't typically see scientists in the thinking process. You see somebody looking at a microscope, but never think about them actually thinking.”

Bernie worked with Rachel Penczykowski's Plant Disease team during summer 2019. Learn more about their host-pathogen coevolution research here.