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Hannah Barry

High School Apprentice


Have you always been interested in nature or was there something specific that piqued your interest?

"It was doing H2O club [youth program at Shaw Nature Reserve] because we went to a creek and measured stuff like toxicity and purity of the water. Sometimes we could catch animals in there, which was pretty neat."

If you could do any job that you want for a year, what would it be?

"One that gets to travel all over the world."

If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go?

"A tropical island. Those are pretty cool and you have the chance to see a reef."

Can you describe what a normal day on your Tyson team looks like?

"We grab all our tools and then we drive out into the middle of the woods and go towards a specific quadrat. We document all the trees in the specific area and re-document old trees that have already been tagged years before."

Hannah worked with Jonathan Myers' Forest Biodiversity team during summer 2018. Learn more about their long-term temperate forest research here and their prescribed fire experiment here.