Apr 13, 2018
Erin Carroll, Hanusia Higgins, and Leslie Sterling, 2017 Tyson Undergraduate Fellows, presented posters on their research at the WashU Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium. During 2017, Erin and Hanusia were part of the Mangan Lab, and Leslie was in the Adalsteinsson and Medley lab groups. Leslie also gave a talk on her research at the St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, held at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy on April 21st. Great work, Erin, Hanusia, and Leslie!
Erin Carroll conducting research in prairie mesocosms on "Soil respiration in native tallgrass prairies under climate change: the role of above and belowground diversity"
Leslie Sterling presenting her poster, "Can prescribed fire reduce tick parasitism of birds?"
Hanusia Higgins presenting her poster, "The effects of oomycetes on plant-soil feedback interactions"